Sam Bigeard

Publications about sign languages

Signs and Synonymity Continuing Development of the Multilingual Sign Language Wordnet. Schulder M, Bigeard S, Kopf M , Hanke T, Kuder A, Wójcicka J, Mesch J, Björkstrand T, Vacalopoulou A, Vasilaki K, Goulas T, Fotinea S, Efthimiou E. May 2024, Torino Italy.
Finding synonyms with translation between sign languages
Work presented at the Sign Lang workshop at LREC
pdf accès en ligne
A Linked Data Approach for linking and aligning Sign Language and Spoken Language Data. Declerck T, Bigeard S, Fahad Khan A, Murtagh I, Olsen S, Rosner M, Schuurman I, Tchechmedjiev A, Way A. June 2023, Tampere Finland.
Work presented at EAMT conference.
paper online access
M Schulder, S Bigeard, T Hanke, M Kopf. The Sign Language Interchange Format: Harmonising Sign Language Datasets For Computational Processing.
ICASSPW 2023, Rhodes Island, Greece.
online access
⭐ Interlingual index for the project's core sign languages. Bigeard S, Kopf M, Schulder M, Hanke T, Vasilaki K, Vacalopoulou A, Goulas T, Dimou A, Fotinea S, Efthimiou E, Fox N, Crasborn O, Westenberg L, Ebling S, Wawrinka L. June 2023
Report for the EASIER project
pdf online access
⭐ Introducing Sign Languages to a Multilingual Wordnet: Bootstrapping Corpora and Lexical Resources of Greek Sign Language and German Sign Language. Bigeard S, Schulder M, Kopf M, Hanke T, Vasilaki K, Vacalopoulou A, Goulas T, Dimou A-L, Fotniea S-E, Efthimiou E. June 2022, Marseille France.
Work presented at LREC conference.
paper poster online access
Initial interlingual index for DGS and GSL. Bigeard S, Schulder M, Kopf M, Hanke T, Vasilaki K, Vacalopoulou A, Goulas T, Dimou A, Fotinea S, Efthimiou E. April 2022
Report for the EASIER project
online access

Publications about low-resource languages outside of sign languages

Retour d’expérience : Whisper pour les langues régionales. Bigeard S, Tsolakis P, Vincent E, Colotte V, Erhart P, Ouni S. November 2024, Orléans, France
Experiences on Whisper for regional languages Work presented at the conference LIFT 2
pdf online access

Publications about the medical domain

In 2020 I changed my name. Previous publications are under my old name.

Detection and analysis of medical misbehavior in online forums. Bigeard É, Grabar N. 2019, October 2019, Granada Spain.
Work presented at SNAMS conference.
paper presentation online access
Detecting drug non-compliance in Internet fora using information retrieval and machine learning approaches. Bigeard É, Thiessard F, Grabar N. Stud Health Technol Inform 2019, August 2019, Lyon France.
Work presented at Medinfo conference.
paper presentation
Détecter la non-adhérence médicamenteuse dans les forums de discussion avec les méthodes de recherche d’information. Bigeard É, Grabar N. 2019, July 2019, Toulouse France.
Work presented as a poster at TALN Conference.
paper poster
Detection and analysis of drug non-compliance in internet fora using information retrieval approaches. Bigeard É, Grabar N. 2019, April 2019, La Rochelle France.
Work presented as a poster at CICLING Conference.
⭐ Detection and analysis of drug misuses. A study based on social media messages. Bigeard É, Grabar N, Thiessard F. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2018
Most complete publication about my thesis work
pdf online access
Study of online health discussion fora for the detection of medication misuses. Bigeard É, Thiessard F, Grabar N. 2018, June 2018, New York USA.
Work done for my thesis, presented at ICHI 2018 conference in New York, USA.
pdf presentation
Détection de mésusages de médicaments dans les réseaux sociaux. Bigeard É, Grabar N, Thiessard F. 2018, May 2018, Rennes, France.
Detection of drug misuse in social media Work done for my thesis, presented as a poster in the TALN 2018 conference in Rennes, France. Poster presented again at journées MaDICS 2018, November 2018, Strasbourg, France.
pdf poster
Typology of Drug Misuse Created from Information Available in Health Fora. Bigeard É, Grabar N, Thiessard F. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2018
Work done for my thesis, presented in the conference MIE 2018 in Gotenburg, Sweden.
online access presentation
Construction de lexiques pour l’extraction des mentions de maladie dans les forums santé. Bigeard É. 2017, June 2017, Orléans, France. pp.15-27
Building lexica for the extraction of disease names in health forums
Work done for my thesis, presented in the conference Récital 2017 in Orléans, France.
pdf presentation
Automatic extraction of numerical values from unstructured data in EHRs. Bigeard É, Jouhet V, Mougin F, Thiessard F, Grabar N. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015, May 2015, Madrid, Spain. 210, pp.50-54, 2015.
Work done during a summer internship in my master's.
online access