- The Multilingual Sign Language Wordnet
- Contains 11 000 signs in 8 different sign languages of Europe aligned with synsets IDs from the Open Multilingual Wordnet. It can be browsed online, and data can be downloaded in CSV format.
- Lexicon of french disorders names
- Resource in French. List of disorder names, including layman names. More informations on the French page.
resource file
- Postdoc : Project manager in Natural Language Processing
- December 2023 - present
At INRIA Université de Lorraine, France
- Postdoc : Engineer in Natural Language Processing
- February 2021 - October 2023
At IDGS laboratory, Universität Hamburg, Germany
- Postdoc : Engineer in Natural Language Processing
- February 2020 - January 2021
At IECL Nancy, France
- Engineer in Natural Language Processing
- April 2018 - October 2019
At CNRS (French national research agency) and working at LIMSI laboratory, Université Paris Sud, France
- Engineer in Natural Language Processing
- June 2016 - March 2018
At Université de Bordeaux, France
- Internship
- May 2015 - October 2015
At General management of Bordeaux hospitals, France
Development of a tool to anonymize health records while keeping readability and timeline consistency
- Internship
- June 2015 - August 2014
Development of a data extraction tool for numerical data in medical files. Work done for project RAVEL under Natalia Grabar. The tool mainly used CRF with the Wapiti tool from LIMSI laboratory.
- PhD in Natural Language Processing
- June 2016 - October 2019
At Université de Lille, France
Thesis title : Detection and analysis of drug non compliance in social media
It's a thesis in Natural Language Processing, Text mining and Machine learning. The goal is to identify how and why people find themselves in non compliance situations from the informations they share on social media. More informations on the Thesis page.
- Master's degree in Natural Language Processing
- 2013-2015
First year at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris, France, part of Sorbonne Universités), second year at INALCO (Paris, France). This degree is co-organized between three different universities, which is why I changed universities between first and second year. It's still the same degree.
- Bachelor in Linguistics
- 2010-2013
At Université Sorbonne Nouvelle with a minor in NLP
- Course "Databases" First year informatics studies, IUT Charlemagne Nancy, 2024
- Course "Introduction to NLP" Master SITIS (medical informatics), Université de Bordeaux, France, 2017 Slides here
Communication activites
- Chiche : Presentations to high schoolers about research and computer science jobs
- 2 events in 2024.
- Pint of Science : Presentation in a pub to explain a science topic to the general public
- 2024 presentation : Why does my phone understand French but not Alsacian? Presentation in French
Other presentations
- Autumn school EASIER 2023 : Using the power of Wordnet for dictionary work. Course for linguists with no computational background. Slides here.
- Seminar on the Wordnet of sign languages, at Radboud University, Amsterdam. May 2024. Slides here
- French : native
- English : C1 level, fluent, CLES3 certification
- French Sign Language : A2 basic every-day proficiency
- German : basic every-day proficiency
- Russian : notions, studied for 3 years in high school
- Mandarin Chinese : notions, studied briefly in college
- Japanese : notions
See my github
Personal life
paint, sew and roller-skate. My pronouns are them/him.